Friday, October 20, 2006

Green Man

To add on to what Kim said, I found some more information on the Green Man and how he relates to SGGK:
"The Green Man is often perceived as an ancient Celtic symbol. In Celtic mythology, he is a god of spring and summer. He disappears and returns year after year, century after century, enacting themes of death and resurrection, the ebb and flow of life and creativity. The Arthurian legend of Sir Gawain, The Green Knight, is a notable image of the Green Man from the Middle Ages. The green knight had a green helmet, green armor, green shield... even a green horse. When he was decapitated, he continued to live."

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I can't believe how many of you have never heard of Trogdor. Seriously, you should be embarrassed. Check out these links:

Here is where it all started:

Here is where the fanboy madness continues:

Monday, October 02, 2006


Caitlin- you brought up some really interesting points. I tried to find the significance of birds to the renaissance- Wikipedia said that augurs (some kind of priests I think) interpreted the will of the gods by studying the flight of the birds. It also said they were "the inspiration for some magical a priory languages, in particular musical languages". Also, I think that they just looked pretty cool in the bird costumes (-=. I noticed that a lot of the things being sold had to do with magic, like different colored stones bringing out certain powers in people and such, so I think that magic must have been a big element of that time period. I thought the priests walking around selling indulgences were a nice touch too. As for things I enjoyed looking at, there were some pretty cool looking swords and Scottish dirks being sold. Also, near the entrance of the park there was a maypole, which was really pretty to look at, and the "baby dragons" were neat too. All in all, I had a really good time. I didn't even mind when we had to clear the road for the king and his entourage to walk by (-=