Monday, October 02, 2006


Caitlin- you brought up some really interesting points. I tried to find the significance of birds to the renaissance- Wikipedia said that augurs (some kind of priests I think) interpreted the will of the gods by studying the flight of the birds. It also said they were "the inspiration for some magical a priory languages, in particular musical languages". Also, I think that they just looked pretty cool in the bird costumes (-=. I noticed that a lot of the things being sold had to do with magic, like different colored stones bringing out certain powers in people and such, so I think that magic must have been a big element of that time period. I thought the priests walking around selling indulgences were a nice touch too. As for things I enjoyed looking at, there were some pretty cool looking swords and Scottish dirks being sold. Also, near the entrance of the park there was a maypole, which was really pretty to look at, and the "baby dragons" were neat too. All in all, I had a really good time. I didn't even mind when we had to clear the road for the king and his entourage to walk by (-=


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